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Featured Artist: Riki Moss
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Brickbottom Artist Building
Joy Street Artists Studios
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Working with paper pulp is for me a return to sculpture after years of encaustic painting, with a new desire: to recreate something real rather than an idea or comment or an image of something real. Working with the forest is to experience what it is, not what I want it to be. The material itself is of the forest: abaca, grape vine, flax. I cast parts of living trees: the roots, branches and dusty hearts, drap paper skins over branches or twisted roots, plant seeds embedded in pulp, discard forms to recreate husks or discarded skins. Bringing these parts of the forest back to the studio is to assemble a new forest: eventually one that will incorporate video, light and interactivity.

The Somerville Connection:
12 years living and working at Brickbottom, serving as acting president of the Brickbottom Artists Association for two years. Present studio in the Joy Street Artist Studios. Served as the “native” juror for the Edge of Center Competition sponsored by the city and the Boston Society of Architects to envision the future of the Brickbottom Artists District.

abridged Resume:
Born in Brooklyn, BA University of Chicago - San Francisco Art Institute
MFA Vermont College, Multi-media for Artists at Harvard Extension
20 year Ceramics career in Vermont
Teaching sporadically at Middlesex Community College
Web/flash designer for artists
Art Matters grant recipient NYC 1997
Exhibited encaustic paintings and digitals widely in New England including locally at the Gallery at 38 Cameron, The Tufts Summer show, Sacred Sense at the Nave, Code Orange at Zeitgeist, The Certain Journey and News into Image at Brickbottom. Works are in various private and corporate collections

exhibit, 23 October-27 October 2006, 12-5 p.m.:

The Edge as Center: envisioning the future of the Brickbottom District
Brickbottom Artist Building

exhibit, 18-19 November 2006, 12-5 p.m.:
The Brickbottom/Joy Street Open Studios

Invited artist for an upcoming show
"Art to Art" new works by artists inspired by masks/photographs of Amelia Robin
and Al Fisher


The Nave Gallery, P.O. Box 43600, Somerville, MA 02143. © 2004-2009. All rights reserved.

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